The Decline and decline of the BBC

The nationwide search for Mr – Who?

As I write – possibly the most popular topic of conversation across the country remains the activities of the now outed Huw Edwards. Holdenforth suspects that there are more hacks from all parts of the official and unofficial media still on the case than were paid by the BBC to attend the Glastonbury festival – said to be circa 500.

We at Holdenforth have better things to do with our time and so will resist the temptation to join in the hue ( geddit?) and cry pursuit of Mr Edwards.  Instead we will run over the arguments we have advanced in previous blogs to resolve the long standing BBC problem by the simple expedient of privatising it. Here goes.

Back in 2003,  Holdenforth, Aka John Holden,  wrote the first draft of his book A Cushy Number.

I selected three prominent figures from the world of professional football to develop my idea of what constituted a Cushy Number.

One of my selected figures was Gary Lineker.

Let me repeat what I wrote 20 years ago.

What about Mr Lineker, our TV pundit. By any standard his job is one of, at best, medium demand with the job holder under no significant stress.

Performance measurement is perfunctory, but even sceptics like me must accept that his combination of suavity and well informed comments are likely to earn the approval of the viewers.

A few years ago, there was some unseemly comment in the gutter press about his off-side sexual activities, with his more acerbic critics noting that he would have been a more effective player had he shown the same zeal on the football field that he has shown in the bedroom. For our part we note that the scale of his playing away activities is evidence of the relative cushiness of his job…

What about the job of Mr Lineker? All very relaxed, but with a question mark over job security. Performance measurement is partly a matter of ratings, but it is always complicated by the issue of competing channels…  Mr Lineker is clearly well rewarded and his modest working hours leave him plenty of time and opportunity to pick up moonlighting money.

Readers, please note the final phrase – plenty of time and opportunity to pick up moonlighting money!

Holdenforth on Mr Lineker in March, 2023 –  Notes on free speech:

Some spectators of the Lineker v BBC sideshow have argued that the BBC is suppressing free speech.

Holdenforth will point out that where Lineker is involved – nothing is free – or even cheap. 

Where were we?

In the beginning God created the BBC and his first Pope was John Reith.

For a while all went according to plan – and presumably God saw that it was good.

Sadly, the sons and daughters of Satan seized the levers of power within the BBC and the descent into the abyss gathered momentum.

Today the BBC proclaims that it remains a sui generis that adheres to its original divine mission statement.

Holdenforth diffidently notes that there are those outside the BBC who disagree with this delusion and who argue that the BBC is most accurately summed up by its perceived mission statement by those outside the BBC – “ there’s no business like show business.”

Indeed, we will go further – we suggest that the gap between the BBC propaganda about its elevated place in our society and the outside view that its privileged days are numbered is clearly visible.

Notes on which institutions sit where in our society and where they ought to sit  — The Hierarchy of Institutions

Time was when the first three estates were established along the following lines:

  • The spiritual as represented by the Clergy:

The boundaries between the component groups were said to be fluid – but we will put the  boundaries issue on the back burner for now.

At some point a fourth estate was defined – sometime in the late 18th century – as being the press. The function of this estate was to keep a suspicious eye on what those in Estates 1 to 3 were up to.

Much more recently perceptive sociologists have defined a fifth estate – those who operate in the jungle that is inhabited and controlled by social  media.

Where does the BBC sit in this hierarchy of estates?

Holdenforth has never seen this key issue discussed. However we have no doubt that the BBC – thinking of itself as a sui generis –  sees itself as the sixth estate – outside and remote from the squalid struggles for power that pervade Estates 1 to 5 inclusive.

Anything else to add?

Holdenforth has long argued that the BBC has abandoned the hallowed status acquired for it by John Reith and that the BBC should be promptly privatised.

We noted – in a detached way – that the BBC Chairman, Richard Sharp had resigned following accusations that he had been less than prudent in his dealings with Boris Johnson. So – we mused – that is the usual fate of those who have dealings with Boris Johnson.

However – we did not leave it at that. We looked at the organisation structures used to manage and oversee the BBC and we were struck by the sheer vacuity of so many of the top jobs and the immense scope for some ruthless pruning in this area.

Accordingly,  we suggest to those in the private equity sector – here is a fat organisation – correction – an obese organisation – offering substantial opportunities for slimming down.

Get your numbers boys to carry out a swift due diligence exercise – you can’t go wrong.

We must rule out Mr Rupert Murdoch in this instance – far too busy with his complex matrimonial activities.

Holdenforth can claim some relevant experience in this area- some years ago bright young go getter introduced the idea and approach of lean management. Long before this bright young go getter published his views I worked for an organisation that pioneered the idea and approach of emaciated management  – and the lessons learned in that harsh managerial climate have remained with me.

We were about to leave it at that but at the last moment we were gratified to be assisted in our case against the BBC by a most illuminating six column article in – you’ve guessed it – The Daily Mail – detailing who  is currently paid what at the BBC.

What follows is far more gripping to Holdenforth than the frothy reports about Huw Edwards.

Predictably Mr Gary Lineker tops the list at £1.35M for his not especially onerous part time duties.

Further details of the earnings of senior BBC staff are supplied and we note, more in sorrow than anger, that Mark Easton has to get by on £200k.

An additional intriguing group of BBC “employees” are those paid via third parties. Holdenforth would not dream of hinting that there are tax advantages to payments made in this way. Suffice it to say that all the costs incurred – directly or indirectly – are paid out by the BBC, and, ultimately by the licence fee.

Let us get to our main points – at last.

For many years senior employees at the BBC argued that they remained at the BBC out of a sense of public duty and could earn far more elsewhere.

Let us put that dubious claim to the test by privatising the BBC.

It would be instructive to review after a year or so how many had been let go as being surplus to the requirements of the new owners, and of those remaining how many were paid more and how many were paid less.

Holdenforth proposes that HMG should privatise the BBC – just sell it off in its entirety to the highest bidder.

The BBC would could thus be redefined as just another part of the 4th estate and subject to the same terms and conditions as all the other members of the 4th estate.

The rest of us – the commoners – can then spend more time considering and learning how to cope with rather graver matters – UK membership of the EU, the War in the Ukraine, / NHS in crisis, widespread disruption of services by public sector unions, – you get the picture.

A stroll down memory lane

“Well, he would say that, wouldn’t he?”
Response from Marylyn Rice -Davies, a close friend of Christine Keeler,  when questioned during the Profumo Affair in 1963 about her contacts with a senior figure involved in the scandal.

An updated version:

“Water firm bosses fight plans to cut their bonus”

Mail on Sunday, July 2

Well, they would say that, wouldn’t they?

Those of us not enjoying the immense pickings by those at the top of the water sector may well not be in favour of allowing this small but affluent group to continue to help themselves.

“Sir:-there is no settling the point of precedency between a louse and flea”
Dr Johnson on which of two obscure poets was the better poet in 1776

“The essential function of marriage is the continuance of the race…

The accidental function of marriage is the gratification of the amoristic sentiment of mankind

The artificial sterilisation of marriage makes it possible for to fulfil its accidental function whilst neglecting its essential one.”
From “The Revolutionist’s Handbook” by George Bernard Shaw – 1903

There was a boisterous  altercation recently between two combative factions at a public gathering to demonstrate their respective views.

The larger group was anxious to ensure that the public was aware of the rights of the LGBT sector to equality with regards to sexual preferences.

The smaller but if anything rather more aggressive group, the Stop Oil sector, was anxious to persuade / cajole/ bully the rest of us into agreeing to its demands.

The ensuing confrontation was a source of entertainment to those with no affiliation  to either sector.

Holdenforth takes the same view as Dr Johnson as to which of the two groups was in the right.

One aspect of the war between THE WEST and Putin.

This conflict, which has never been out the news since the initial invasion launched by Russia is once again a major issue of concern in THE WEST.

Holdenforth would like to flag up just one aspect of the war.

We have noted that there is an element of selective indignation in the moral fervour voiced on a 24/7 platform by President Zelensky. He appears to be quite relaxed about the appalling record of Israel in the flouting of international law and especially about the one sided war between Israel and the various groups in Palestine.

To be consistent, surely he could urge that the many countries committed to freedom might consider equipping  the Palestinians with modern and powerful weapons to reverse the illegal occupation of their land by Israel?

Holding Coutts to Account

Since Brexit first emerged as a major issue some 10 years ago Nigel Farage has been possibly the most influential politician presenting the Brexit case – and Holdenforth has taken the opposite view throughout these years.

We never thought that we thought that we would say this, but we now think that Mr Farage has been hard done by in the treatment of himself and his family by his bank.

We will support and sign any petition campaigning to restore a normal banking service to Mr Farage.

Author: holdenforth

50 years in management - mostly as a sharp-end man. Occasional contributor to Tribune.

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